OSHA Metrics & Safety Performance Survey

Company: AMCE Corp.
Tax ID: 00-11223344
Provide the name and phone number for the person responsible for health and safety for your company. A contact that can answer questions regarding the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) data provided.
In the event of an emergency, please provide the name and phone number for the person that Signature can contact.
What Signature's location(s) do you perform the majority of your work?
What is your company NAICS code?
Does your company have 10 employees or less?
Please upload your OSHA Form 300 and 300A
Recent Data 2020 2021 2022 YTD
Total Man-Hours
Total Number of Reportable Injuries
Total number Lost Time Injuries
Total Reportable Incident Rate
Lost Time Incident Rate
Total number of OSHA Citations
Total number of OSHA Serious Citations
Average TRIR