Solenis Indirect Supplier Procurement Survey

Company: AMCE Corp.
Tax ID: 00-11223344
Commitment & Policies
Has your company (Board, CEO) made a public commitment to sustainability? This could include reference to sustainability in your company’s mission statement, vision, values, principles, code of conduct, etc. or it could be a stand-alone commitment statement.
Does your company have policies in sustainability
Governance, Standards and Reporting
Which body or position has the overall responsibility for sustainability (environmental and social responsibility) matters in your company?
For the sites supplying Solenis with materials, has your company obtained (e.g., Green Office certification, ISO 9001,ISO 14001RC 14001, )?
Are you willing to let a representative from Solenis visit you for inspection?
Please indicate LTI Lost Time Injury Incidence Rate of last 4 years.
Please indicate the number of fatalities during last 5 years
Products and Services
Does your company have an emergency preparedness response plan for a catastrophic incident affecting workplace safety?
Have the negative impacts of your products or services been minimised (e.g. hazardous materials, shipping and transport, use of energy and/or resources, recyclability and transportation)?
Can your company’s products be re-used/environmentally safely be disposed of?
Does your company have goals and programs to prevent and reduce work-related employee injuries and illnesses?
Does your company have written policies and programs to establish and maintain a diverse workplace environment?
Priorities and Plans
Does your company have an emergency preparedness response plan for a catastrophic incident affecting workplace safety?
Does your company consider a external audit/report/rating within 1 year
Does your company periodically review the performance and audits of its
Does your company have ethical and legal employment practices assuring compliance with all applicable employment laws impacting employees and suppliers?
Does your company have a goal and programs to calculate and reduce:
Does your company calculate scope 1,2 and 3 emissions?
Does your company have ethical and legal employment practices assuring compliance with all applicable employment laws impacting employees and suppliers?
Does your company have programs, standards, or procedures to identify and reduce potential health safety hazards related to its products?
Are you willing to let a representative from Solenis visit you for inspection?
Score based on answers provided