Supplier Code of Conduct

1.0 Introduction

Solenis is firmly committed to conducting business throughout the world in accordance with the highest legal and ethical rules and principles. The Supplier Code of Conduct is the cornerstone of this commitment and sets the standards for our actions.

2.0 Policy

This code applies to all our suppliers worldwide and to become or remain a valued partner, Solenis requires its suppliers, their employees, their affiliated entities, their agents or anyone acting on behalf of the suppliers to comply with this Code of Conduct. This code is not exhaustive and suppliers are expected to use good judgment to ensure appropriate conduct relative to all applicable laws, regulations, standards and topics that are not specifically addressed in this document.

3.0 Our Code of Conduct:
3.1 Compliance with the Law:

We understand that the future success of our suppliers depends upon understanding the laws and regulations that apply to their business wherever they operate. We set a minimum standard of compliance with the law but expect our suppliers to hold themselves to higher standards of compliance.

3.2 Labor and Employment rights:

Solenis believes in treating all people with dignity and respect and is committed to protecting human rights. As a global company, Solenis is committed to maintaining safe and professional work environments where employees are free from violence, harassment and discrimination. We expect our suppliers to do the same.

3.3 Ethical Behavior:

Solenis acts with integrity and honesty and always maintains the highest standards for business responsibility in accordance with laws and ethical principles. Solenis expects its suppliers to adhere to the same laws and principles.

3.4 Commitment to Environment and Product Sustainability and Safety:

We expect our suppliers to be aligned with our commitment to sustainability, and as we strive to contribute, with good relationships, to the local communities in which Solenis operates, our suppliers are expected to do the same.

4.0 Scope

This applies to Solenis and its suppliers.

5.0 Owner

Chief Procurement Officer

6.0 Exceptions

There are no exceptions to this policy.

7.0 Revision History
Effective Date Section Description of Change
Sept. 24, 2020 All Revised throughout.
Feb 11, 2021 5.0 Changed Owner Title to Chief Procurement Officer